miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

The Butterfly circus

An inspiring short film that won the annual competition organized by www.thedoorpost.com with a message of hope, motivation, challenge.
Director: Joshua Weigel
You have to see the film and answer the questions.


1.- What does an escapist have to do? Use these words "padlock, to get rid of"
2.- and a acrobat? (use to jump, to void, to grab)
3.- What's the past of the acrobat?
4.- and the strong man?
5.- What means does the director use to achieve the desired effects?
6.- What part of the film moved you the most?
7.- What kind of metamorphosis does Will, the main character, experience?
8.- Can one really do whatever he/she wants?
9.- Why does a mother, at the end of the film, say "thank you"?
10.- Which is the symbolism of the butterfly?
11.- Any negative aspect of the film?

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